Friday, July 6, 2007

Tai Chi, layers of principals wrapped in awareness...

While doing Tai Chi forms with Dr. Chen and his class on Sunday morning, I had what I felt was an epiphany of sorts regarding Yin Yang relationships in Tai Chi. I felt a sense that without a clear understanding of "full (Yang)/empty (Yin)" in my movements there was really no way for me to clearly understand the Total Body Unit "fullness" he has spoken to me about during my training. After working through the hour long traditional Yang form, Dr. Chen works with certain students individually; it seemed more than just coincidental that he was specifically working on Yin / Yang relationships with the first student. I smiled and felt very connected.

Light bulb moment! Really?
After class, I expressed to him my "epiphany" that "In order to understand "Total Body Unity" you must first understand the separation of the halves to the fullest of your own potential". He smiled and told me that this was not correct. My first inclination was and ego driven - "What?!" but I just stood quietly and listened for his explanation; knowing it would satisfy whatever confusion I had going on at that moment.

He explained that you must prepare your spirit, body and mind BEFORE you begin the Tai Chi forms. The level of preparation you are able to achieve is your benchmark for that form training in that moment. Each movement from that point forward should build on the previous movement in a smooth, steady flow of cultivating Chi. As an example, lets say I am starting out with 80% awareness (potential) and each movement (If I stay in the moment) builds up 1 half a percentage point (.5%). The goal is to finish the forms with a higher level of Chi than when I started. If I lose my focus at any time during the form, the flow will be broken and the energy level is reduced as a result. So even as I shift weight to step from one side to the other, creating emptiness in one side and fullness in the other, there is still an underlying total body awareness that must remain in place to support the build up (cultivation) of Chi. In other words, the load bearing work is physical, the potential and Chi build up is mental and spiritual.

Personal growth within the challenging moments...
This week I found it very challenging to explain this deeper level of understand because I was having so much trouble with it myself. Yet all week I kept trying to explain to my loving and patient students who at times were more confused about their Tai Chi training AFTER I spoke. I am very grateful for each one of my students as they allow me to have these times of challenge right in front of them in an open and honest way. I never hide the fact that I am still very much a baby in Tai Chi and Qigong training and am there to share whatever I have learned with them, without pretension of understanding the deeper levels. The beauty of Tai Chi and Qigong training is that challenge is always there. You never truly "master" Tai Chi or Qigong you only continue to grow and experience deeper levels of Spirit, Body and Mind connection. The advanced levels of Tai Chi are much more difficult to reach within this societal structure because they require a high level of personal commitment to physical purity, mental clarity and spiritual openness. I think this is why so many ancient masters went away for extended periods of time to train in seclusion.

Think of the Principals as an Instruction Manual for the Spirit, Body and Mind...
The principals that govern Tai Chi and Qigong training are in effect an instruction manual providing a profound understanding of our own spirit, body and mind. Gaining a deeper level of understanding within these principals allows you to become more connected to your true self and able to perform at higher levels no matter what your preference; golf, swimming, hiking, running, whatever. Endurance, mental clarity, strength, relaxation, intention are all positively effected by training these marvelous principals. Tai Chi and Qigong are simply playgrounds for these principals to become more familiar and comfortable. When we become uncomfortable, frustrated or tense during Tai Chi or Qigong training that we have a unique opportunity for personal growth. Do yourself a favor don't ignore it. Feel it, listen to it and learn from it. Everything about you will change from that newfound perspective.

My primary goal for personal training is that I am able to quiet my mind and listen to the lessons that are always there; ready to teach me about my true self.

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