I know I have not written in quite some time but I feel compelled to start again anew for 2012...
Much has happened in my life since that final post on December 23, 2007 but one thing has remained constant - I am still training and teaching Tai Chi and Qigong. More on that later but you can get a glimpse at this link to my End of Year Message
So here I sit at 11:27 CST on December 31st, 2011 with my first blog entry in over 4 years.
Happy New Year 2012...?
I have been witnessing so many messages wishing me and everyone else, the very best for the new year and yet I feel indifferent to it all. At what point did we decide to make such a huge deal of turning from one year to the next, after all it is just another 24 hour period marked in time.
Well, before I acknowledge this celebration, I have a few questions.
Why is December 31st so much better than March 3rd, June 9th or any other day in our calendar year?
Why must we wait an entire year before we decide to make meaningful changes in our lives?
Why then, do these changes tend to wither away so quickly?
I know this view seems simplistic, maybe even cynical, but if you think about these questions long enough...
How about these questions...
What if we were to treat each day as if it were our last one on Earth?
What if we truly believed that every conversation we had could be the last words spoken to that person?
What if we were able to close all loose ends and lived a life free of remorse, regret and resentment?
What if, from this day forward, we simply treated everyone we meet as we want to be treated?
What would any of our deities do?